General Readership

In this section, many books are for “adults” either by theme, content, or other matters. I started reading books like this at age 10, regardless of content, but I added a separate page for them. I think many of them could be read by younger readers, but as always, be discerning according to your taste in reading.

I’ll add more here as time passes, but honestly, most books I read fall into the YA and MG categories more easily.

Macbeth by William Shakespeare is one of my absolute favorite plays from Elizabethan times. With a rich tapestry of history and the depths of Biblical references and magical superstitions, this play has a great deal to offer any lover of Shakespeare. It is dark, mystical, brooding, and action-packed. Performed first in 1606 for the court of King James, this play shows how well Shakespeare can take historical legend (James’s ancestry is mentioned in this play) and fiction to create a compelling story of greedy choices and justice. This is a tragedy, so beware.

How to Fracture a Fairy Tale by Jane Yolen is meant to be pondered. Many of the stories are a bit dark, many grim, many are not what’s expected, and usually that’s what makes them wonderful. The end of the book includes notes on how Jane Yolen fractured each tale, and this part was enjoyable from beginning to end. In fact, I would have liked a bit more in this section. As a whole, if you like fairy tales, and don’t mind them not being “sweet” fairy tales, you might like this book. These are fairy tales for grown-ups, warnings, and cautions, as well as stories of just desserts (in some cases).